About Us
Started in 2006
For almost 20 years, we’ve had the joy of watching countless students grow, learn, and achieve what they want. Thank you for being a part of our story.
Why 123?
123 Math & Chess have 18+ years of excellent tutoring service, with most students coming through referrals. Our programs follow BC Ministry of Education guidelines and help students to advance their math level.
Classes are limited to 5 students for individual attention. All instructors are certified teachers or experienced tutors with relevant degrees. We provide a positive learning environment with proven success and long-term student relationships.
18+ Years of Excellent Tutoring Service
We have been maintaining a long term relationship and mutual trust with our students. It is not our usual practice to put into too much effort on advertisement. Our students mainly come from referral.
The following students enrolled when they were in elementary or at Grade 8 and stayed with us until they graduated from their high school.
Name | Grade Enrolled | Grade Completed @ 123 | School |
Jonathan Ng | 5 | 12 + Calculus | St. Georges |
Carmen Lau | 5 | 12 + Calculus | Point Grey |
May Lin | 5 | 12 | Point Grey |
Jenny Liao | 7 | 12 | Eric Hamber |
David Lau | 6 | 12 + Calculus | David Thompson |
Eva Mak | 7 | 12 + Calculus | Prince of Wales |
RoseMary Ching | 7 | 12 + Calculus | Crofton House |
Iris Chia | 7 | 12 + Calculus | York House |
William Chia | 6 | 12 | West Point Grey A. |
Jocelyn Chan | 7 | 12 + Calculus | West Point Grey |
David Yung | 7 | 12 + Calculus | Eric Hamber |
Nelson Leung | 7 | 12 + Calculus | St. Georges |
Thomson Lai | 3 | 12 + Calculus | Burnett |
Catherine Wong | 7 | 12 + Calculus | Little Flower A. |
Linda Cheung | 7 | 12 + Calculus | Eric Hamber |
Kenneth Auyyeng | 5 | 12 + Calculus | Burnett |
Venus Ip | 7 | 12 + Calculus | Crofton House |
Andy Yao | 6 | 12 + Calculus | Point Grey |
Heidi Choi | 7 | 12 + Calculus | Magee |
Jovita Vytasek | 7 | 12 | West Point Grey |
Danielle Brimo | 8 | 12 | York House |
Anthony Yung | 7 | 12 | Magee |
Fred Cheung | 5 | 12 + Calculus | Magee |
Anthony Cheung | 6 | 12 + Calculus | Magee |
Advance Your Studies
We offer programs that advance math levels for elementary and high school students.
We help students achieve excellent results in private school entrance exams (SAT, PSAT) & special program entrance exams (enrichment, accelerated, AP, Honour, IB classes).